I don't understand, the ones who say the elite gear is op are those without elite gear. I see people say that the new sets will be nerfed because they are overpowered but its just because they are using purples or pinks. When you got full elites then all will be good you may have to find s new strategy in winning though since things are different.

I like pvp now as the fights aren't very long when before on a mage if you were versing another mage or bear the fight would be super long and dull. Now its over within 7 seconds. I also like how you can't just beckon and stomp and win, that was really discouraging when I was fighting dex bears on my bird or mage. Things all good now, if they were to change it, then it would make one set op to the other like lust str set was the only superior set that could win constantly without losing. Now Intel Str or Dex elites can win.

There are one handed sword elites and they are very strong , if dex sets were nerfed then sword and Intel sets would be the strongest, and to nerf all the sets would be very time consuming for 1 man. Pvp is all good all classes except rhino and foxes can win if geared in all elites.

When dex helms drops are fixed birds will be able to go full dex and have more damage, and their pvp problems should be solved