Hey everybody! This is a very short guide for all of those people who beg for gold on PL!

How to make gold:
1) Farming. Farming is going through certain levels, such as boss levels, over and over again to get money from chests, and items from monster and boss drops. Or, if you have a lower level character, just go through the quests and and level up, and you will get a fair amount of gold that way too.

2) Trading. Buy low, sell high. Simple as that, and since the auction house isn't out for a while, it really is as simple as that. Spend some time selling people items at different prices and see what works (I can't give away too many trade secrets ). Also, NEVER liquidate an item unless it's a white or gray item. Trust me, you can sell oranges and greens. Also, using this way, you kinda need money to make money (to buy up bargains when you see them), so use the first one for a while first.

3) Buy it with plat. If you're insanely rich, just pull a *cough* and buy tons of gold with real money. However, if it's not your own money, your parents could get mad and that'd be bad. So stick to the first two unless you know this one is safe!

tl;dr: buy low and sell high.

Cheers! I hope to see all of you fine gentlemen and ladies in the game sometime with our tophats and insanely rare items that we've bought with our mountains of gold. ;D