First, thank you, some good info here. I'm especially glad to know the Stampy mats before I went and bought the recipe for orc tags.

I have a couple of questions though:

1) It seems the questgiver for Arcane Parchments may have changed? I remember talking to Norman the alchemist or whoever, and he talks trash about the guy before him and claims he will not use the parchments for such nefarious ends. I notice I have not gotten any parchment drops since I came back to the game after the level 41 cap. Do I have to abandon the quest and retake it or something, or do parchments just have a low drop chance?

2) Do I only need one Glob, Frostir and Rutger essence each for each character? Is there no other use for these? Because I have several of each taking up room in my stash atm, and want to know if I can safely get rid of them.

3) What are Planarite Ingots used for?

Thanks again.