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Thread: Star Legends General Attributes (STR, DEX, INT) Guide

  1. #41
    Senior Member LelouchX's Avatar
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    cool, I'll actually check your first post to see if there is an edit with commando stuff beforehand this time
    <Infinite Union> Eyeofnewt Engi - Eyesssniper Op - LelouchX Com ~ GinFiend
    *G+ Chat For STS Community**Newt's Engi Build*

  2. #42
    Member Teddyache's Avatar
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    I actually have the excel file put together for engineer but I haven't had time to finalize the formulas. Do you want just the raw data? I should have time to look at the formulas this weekend.
    Infinite Union Officer:
    Firoth, engineer. Firothi, operative. Firothon, commando.

  3. #43
    Senior Member Jblazer's Avatar
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    Who necro'd .-.?
    On a serious note its amazing how many of the players on these old threads who we knew and loved left lawl

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
    Star Legends General Attributes (STR, DEX, INT) Guide
    by Physiologic and Noneo

    Check out my other Star Legends guides:
    Operative Beta and v1.0 Skill Discussion
    Prefix/Suffix Compendium for Weapons and Armors
    Lv 20-21 Operative Weapons and Equips

    Check out my other Pocket Legends guides:
    Post-Global Cooldown (GCD) Video Runs at Balefort Sewers
    In-Depth Guide to Farming Balefort Sewers
    Comprehensive Archer Skills and Equipment Guide
    Complete Lv 55 Archer Gear List
    Pocket Legends Enemy, Boss, and NPC Compendium
    How to Craft Lv 55 Gear
    How to calculate your attributes using STR, DEX, and INT
    Ring List
    Guide to Advanced Mechanics in PL: DPS, Crits, etc.
    Void Set versus Sentinel equips: An Unbiased Analysis
    In-Depth Guide to Farming Alien Oasis 3: Victory Lap

    Here you'll find general information on how placing points into STR, DEX, and INT will affect your Hit%, Crit, Dodge, Health, Mana, Damage, DPS, and Armor. 5 points are given every level up to allocate to either STR, DEX, or INT.

    General Notes
    1. This guide will be heavily edited in the near future.
    2. Just like Pocket Legends, decimal values are rounded down. For example, 6.88 = 6.
    3. H/s and M/s cannot be increased by STR, DEX, or INT.
    4. Health and Mana pools are always approximations.
    5. As of SL version Beta, EQUIPS DO NOT HAVE STR, DEX, OR INT REQUIREMENTS. The only requirements you need to equip weapons and armors are your specific class and your level.
    6. UNLIKE POCKET LEGENDS, EACH POINT OF ATTRIBUTE (STR, DEX, INT) IN STAR LEGENDS WILL INCREASE YOUR STATS DIFFERENTLY DEPENDING ON YOUR CLASS. For example, DEX increases damage and DPS the most for an Operative, but STR will increase damage and DPS the most for a Commando, while INT will increase damage and DPS the most for an Engineer. In Pocket Legends, only DEX would increase damage and DPS the most regardless of your class. [Credits to CrimsonTider for providing data to support this]


    1 point of STR will increase:
    • +0.05 Hit%
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +1 Health for 5-6 consecutive points, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat [best stat for Health]
    • +1 Mana for 1 point, then 0 Mana for 2-3 consecutive points; repeat
    • +0.025 Damage
    • +0.0303 DPS for 33 consecutive points, then +0.0322 DPS for 31 consecutive points; repeat
    • +0.0322 Armor [best stat for Armor]

    1 point of DEX will increase:
    • +0.0833 Hit%
    • +0.02 Crit [best stat for Crit]
    • +0.012 Dodge [best stat for Dodge]
    • +1 Health for 3 consecutive points, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat
    • +1 Mana for 2 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 1 point; repeat
    • +0.0769 Damage [best stat for Damage]
    • +0.0909 DPS for 9 consecutive points, then +0.1 DPS for 10 consecutive points; repeat [best stat for DPS]
    • +? Armor

    1 point of INT will increase:
    • +0.1 Hit% [best stat for Hit%]
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +1 Health for 1 point, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat
    • +1 Mana for 3 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 1 point; repeat [best stat for Mana]
    • +0.05 Damage
    • +0.059 DPS for 17 consecutive points, then +0.067 DPS for 15 consecutive points; repeat
    • +? Armor

    Operative Calculations

    STR = STR from attributes + total STR from equips
    DEX = DEX from attributes + total DEX from equips
    INT = INT from attributes + total INT from equips

    Hit% = 66.25 + (STR x 0.05) + (DEX x 0.083) + (INT x 0.1) + Hit% from equips

    Crit = (will be added later)

    Dodge = (will be added later)

    Damage = 7-8 + (STR x 0.025) + (DEX x 0.0769) + (INT x 0.05) + Damage from equips

    DPS = 9.25 + (STR x 0.03125) + (DEX x 0.095) + (INT x 0.063) + DPS from equips

    Armor = (will be added later)

    Operative summary of attributes
    This describes which stats increase your attributes from greatest to least.

    • Hit%: INT > DEX > STR
    • Crit: DEX > ??? > ???
    • Dodge: DEX > ??? > ???
    • Health: STR > DEX > INT
    • Mana: INT > DEX > STR
    • Damage: DEX > INT > STR
    • DPS: DEX > INT > STR
    • Armor: STR > ??? > ???


    1 point of STR will increase:
    • +0.1 Hit% [best stat for Hit%]
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +1 Health for 8 consecutive points, then +0 Health for 1 point, then +1 Health for 10 consecutive points, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat [best stat for Health]
    • +1 Mana for 2 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 1 point, then +1 Mana for 4 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 1 point; repeat
    • +0.03 Damage
    • +0.037 DPS
    • +0.035 Armor [best stat for Armor]

    1 point of DEX will increase:
    • +0.05 Hit%
    • +0.02 Crit [best stat for Crit]
    • +? Dodge
    • +1 Health for 1 point, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat
    • +1 Mana for 2 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 2 consecutive points; repeat
    • +0.01 Damage
    • +? DPS
    • +? Armor

    1 point of INT will increase:
    • +0.0769 Hit%
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +1 Health for 4 consecutive points, then +0 Health for 1 point; repeat
    • +1 Mana for 5-6 consecutive points, then +0 Mana for 1 point; repeat [best stat for Mana]
    • +0.0625 Damage [best stat for Damage]
    • +0.0769 DPS [best stat for DPS]
    • +? Armor

    Engineer Calculations

    Engineer summary of attributes
    This describes which stats increase your attributes from greatest to least.

    • Hit%: STR > DEX > INT
    • Crit: DEX > ??? > ???
    • Dodge: ??? > ??? > ???
    • Health: STR > INT > DEX
    • Mana: INT > STR > DEX
    • Damage: INT > STR > DEX
    • DPS: INT > STR > DEX
    • Armor: STR > ??? > ???


    1 point of STR will increase:
    • +? Hit%
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +? Health
    • +? Mana
    • +? Damage
    • +? DPS
    • +? Armor

    1 point of DEX will increase:
    • +? Hit%
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +? Health
    • +? Mana
    • +? Damage
    • +? DPS
    • +? Armor

    1 point of INT will increase:
    • +? Hit%
    • +? Crit
    • +? Dodge
    • +? Health
    • +? Mana
    • +? Damage
    • +? DPS
    • +? Armor

    Commando Calculations

    Commando summary of attributes
    Any reason why the commando isn't completed?


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