I am a Mage and +1 to this thread

Give rouges SOME of their armours back. Not all but some and see how that turns out.

Also pls nerf the aimed shot. Just the aimed shot. On both pvp and pve. I was doing a test with my guildie. I put 4/5 on shield except the knockback and 10/10 mastery on shield( which equals 70% dmg reduction. Or at least I hope it's 70% unless the mastery is bugged). My rogue guildie had 800dmg (with the 20% reduction) (so in total that would 90% dmg reduction) and he broke my shield in 6 hits. (4 if u don't count the 2 hits from the invulnerability). Also if I don't heal, he will kill me before the shield is broken and I have (5.5k hp). Many times rougues can crit like 3k on aimed shot. 3K WITH 90% dmg reduction. 3K is a lot for a Mage. I literally die in like 5 secs against rougues because of their aimed shot. I even lose to rougues even though I have more dmg than them in town.

So give some of their armour back and see if it balances and also reduce their aimed shot dmg

P.S my str is like 120+ and int is like 600+