What's up everybody! I doubt anyone remembers me, (name is Linthar btw) but I played PL, SL, and started playing AL the day it came out. Played for about 8 or so months. (It's been along time lol) I played up until the lvl cap of 26. And at the time I was on leader boards for acheivments, and level. (I think it was those two) I was IN Chivalrous Union, which was a top tier guild. But once I hit 26, I basically got busy with real life, and didn't have time anymore. But now I'm starting to play again. Thankfully I still have my legendary gear which was the best at the time,(Seaford of will/security, and the storm sword of potency) but if you see me around friend me or invite me. I'm level 46 now. I know lots of things have changed, I haven't even messed around with it. Just leveling lol. But I assume the best gear is now crafted and not dropped? How do you go about crafting the best armor and weaps now? I'm still a bit lost with all this new stuff...