Quote Originally Posted by Ebalere View Post
^this. Sorry for double post, but I spent 350k gearing up my officers the other day, and since SL came out the Knights, and Gears, and Rage, and all the other big name guilds have took the time to level their members and befriend them and gear them, and for you guys to recruit out of our guilds and and then brag up the leaderboards IS a total slap in the face.

That being said, anyone who leaves a guild, that has done so much for them, for another guild, is not loyal and not needed in our ranks, and I'm sure Shadow and Theseus and the other GM's would agree. By saying that you don't level your members, clearly indicates that you recruit out of our guilds, as there is only a handful of higher level toons not already in a guild.

So, if you ever do get a good hold on 1st place on guild leaderboards, just know that it won't mean much to anyone but yourselves. It's the equivalent of a rushing kill farmer on PvP leaderboards, everyone knows it, and no one respects them. Sorry if this post sounds a little ruder than last, but Zero kinda put things into perspective for me.
I am not concerned with any of this drama. If someone doesn't like your guild, and wants to be a pwny...power to em! And I will be proud of our numbers growing. Sure we may not have leveled em the past 25-26 levels, but we will level together to the next cap. If your members leave you for us, it is because your guild did not interest them enough or fulfil what they were searching for in a guild. If you happened to help them a lot, then I am SURE they are still greatful. All these slap in the face comments are ridiculous.

Sparking Pwnies: Endgame guild...recruiting 25+. Probably means we are stealing members. ;( We know this. We know we are elitists. Thanks for reitterating.

Like I said though, pwnies don't do drama, keep it to your guild please!