It seems as though Neon Genesis has gone under the sniper scopes of some new forum posters. Truth is, Neon Genesis is the best guild I have ever been in, and not once have seen any rude or hate driven behavior in our guild.

Here are reason why I love this guild:
1. Egofury gives everyone the best gear available. He sets up occasional guild meetings and hands out to everyone sandstorm gear!
2. We are now on the leader boards because the majority of our high levels now have the best gear and we are constantly trying our best to improve.
3. We help our our new guildies by plowing through levels with our higher leveled alts, allowing us to reach higher levels faster.
4. We talk a lot in guild chat and everybody is really nice (and funny too

I have been in Neon Genesis since its baby days and I have seen it grow into one of the best guilds in the game. Not once have I seen Egofury be rude to ANYBODY in other guilds, nor has anybody else in the guild heard of him taking any negative actions towards other guilds.

Oh and Neon Genesis has only gone through 1 guild clean up, and only those that were not on in the past week or so and were still less than level 10 were removed. It was obvious they were not coming back.

So guys I ask you to think twice about people's accusation on this forum, and don't be afraid to ask if you can join, as Ego added me when I was only a level 3 (while he and his other officers were around 23).

If you have any questions about our guild, feel free to ask!