Sorry, I am rogue and I don't see a problem with mages shield. They absolutely need it in elite maps.

With regards to pvp, I think some of these rogues are blowing things out of proportion. I am noooob in pvp but even I am able to break a mages shield in my second combination of aim, nox and pierce.

I'm one of those nosy people who always checks people's stats. I think one thing is clear and that is rogues kill more than they die. Even if a rogue dies, what's the big deal since we can get back to the fight so quickly using pierce?

STS has all of the statistics. They should look at those numbers and see what works. Out of 100k kills, it should be rogues killed 50k and died 50k times, mages killed 35k and dies 35k times and tanks killed 15k and died 15k times. The numbers are up for debate but something along those lines would be balance. I don't think it looks like that now. I am willing to hedge my bets that rogues kill 3x and many as they die. I am only speaking from what I see by snooping at people's stats. I think sts should look into this and stop listening to the influence of biased players. The numbers don't lie