Couple questions I am unsure about regarding certain pets. I looked at the pet guide but there are some things that I'm still wondering about. I am a rogue that plans on doing pve.
1. What is the attack speed of hj? His passive looks nice with all the debuffs and could always add a new aa and hapiness. Is this pet worth buying for the passive?
2. Same questions but about stampy. Stampy does the most dmg along with nekro of any pet but is his passive worth buying?
3. I guess my goal for this game is to eventually run timed runs for thr lb. Is there a certain pet/combination of pets that works best that I should buy now when prices are low? Many people say Nekro but with only 2 people can have in a run what else should I use?
4. Samael does less dmg then Nekro but Ive heard that his passive is worth it. Is this true?
5. How good is the aa of sns. I have not been able to observe it in hard elites but Ive heard that it can be good. Is it the best for clearing mobs before the boss?

Any help is appreciated. Feel free to answer any of the questions you know. I dont mind spending alot of gold on a pet but would rather buy ones that I will only use.