Quote Originally Posted by Suentous PO View Post
1: for pve elite or not, staffs are more effective generally. Better to damage ~3 mob rather than 1.
Vs a boss some prefer guns, there's some situational differences and preferences.

2: pp is great, no need to blow a few mil if you have one already. Only reason I'm using a cryo is that I can't find a group to do quest.

Your gear may be fine as is, idk your stats.
It might be worth it to check cs for rot gear, it may have better stats than the antignome, and can be cheap sometimes.
I'm using antignome set in he last maps but when I go to kill orcs my rotting gear has better stats. Some things are situational like getting the antignome bonus in last maps.
Also some people have their own "rules" for elites such as - no gun- or no heal skill.
Yup i c. Rotting is brut type gives more Heal , but reduce my crit lol, my current crit was crappy, and i dont make it less than 20%
My current stats, 6,3k hp, 22% ugly crit, 1451 dmg, 1791 armor.