Quote Originally Posted by ancestor View Post
Honestly this is a really rough gap level. Vs equipment. Enemy's are hard as heck and your equipment won't suffice. If I were you I'd get to lvl 66 as fast as possible running dailies. Save gold and run the cryo and graveyard and sell tokens for gold. A endless set is around 4m on the cheap side and taint set is around 9m on cheep side. Honestly for a decent anything set (weapon, armor, accessories) your looking at like 15m. Lucky I have some tips. Run and save your money. Only buy pots. Form party and run cryostar when open and try to get cryo essences and common cro weapons. (If you look common cryo daggers pm me haha I'll buy) vanity is vanity. It's not a necessity. Look ugly and have better stats. Eggs don't matter but in my opinion run Grimm lucky and magma. I'm lvl 69 but taking my time farming gold and lvling using esg. I'm not in a rush. I finally just got everything I wanted, but am just saving for better pets and gl item upgrades. Gl keep value!!! I've probably spent 50 hours in gold farming to get my stuff. It's a grind not a Sprint. Take your time save. And when buying better gear save the gold amount then buy what you want then sell old don't sell your gear to get better one or you can't run maps and will be waiting time in peir trying to merch haha. Hope this helps. Pm me if you need help.
I fully understand that chasing lvl 66 and up is the key. what i don't know yet, should i stay with the current runsteel daggers or sell them, save the gold up for a nice set. you are right i shouldn't sell what i need but which is the one to keep, the runesteel or the daggers of warfare. i don't have the feeling, that the runesteel is really a good weapon.

also i stopped crafting weak finesse to standard. it was a not so bright idea to choose rogue when it comes to equipment.

for pets i got abaddon, lucky, fenris, fantasma.