Hello everyone! In this post I would like to discuss something about my new thought towards gifting items to other players in game. We are often familiar about people getting scammed while giving their stuffs to other fellow players to try them out and whom they trust very well but end up being unfortunate when they are not returned back as expected. Recently an old friend of mine from level 18 got scammed of her gears in a similar manner and sadly she quit. In order to avoid such situations here are my thoughts regarding gifting as follows :
"Give " option should have two sub options aka "gifting permanently " or "gifting for trial purpose" and with this option the player ll be given a choice for how much time he/she intends to give an item to another player for trial purpose for example :- 3 min. The items ll remain un tradable and un stashable during that time. The player who is receiving the item ll get a timer notification like mute timers for example , and that the item received ll be returned to its owner's inventory after completion of the given time period.
Another notification ll be given again to the receiver as well as the owner who has given it which would be 10 secs prior to the items being returned to the inventory of the owner. For example the receiver ll get " you have 10 secs remaining for trial" and the owner ll get "10 secs remaining for your item retrieval " , after which the owner ll get back his/her given items in inventory. Then both ll get a final notification saying "the item have been returned back to its ower". The only stuffs which ll not be eligible to be given by this option ll be pet eggs,elixir kits, packs and jewels. This would not only prevent just scams but also keep players in a safe side from gear loss and theft. Comments are most welcome!