Currently am only level 17 but am pretty hooked on the game and spend a good amount of time in game concidering work, and other irl issues.

I am unsure if this is against the rules as I did not see a rules section for this forum so if it is I apologize.

I am creating this because I do not really want to join a guild that just sends out random invites to people. It might get you numbers but you never know what kind of members you are going to end up with. I have been around the block once or twice in MMO's and know that the key(for me at least) is to be in a guild where I want to be there and the majority(can't be loved by everyone all the time) of a guild wants me there.

I have had an interest in V for Vendetta. I ended up in a room with a few of there members and they were very helpful. Unfortunately I am 8 levels away from applying. I have a 22 Operative I ditched and know its getting to that time where Pugs just will no longer;

-Teach me what I don't know
-Take a sec to explain something new
-Hang around just talking
-Farming a certain map for certain items
-Honest trading
-Get me to 30 in a timely manner
-Realize stims cost money n not pause for random things
-etc etc.

It is my hope that I can speak here or in game with some people interested in an Engineer dedicated to mastering his class, helping others, and sharing the knowledge I have and gain with others. Even if I don't find a guild, or join your guild at the very least maybe make a few friends to run with.

My IGN is Knux, you can post here I will check it regularly and I will be on in about 10 minutes til about midnight(EST). Tomorrow I work in the am then gym til about 7pm(EST) after that I have a 4 day weekend in which I am broke(lol ) so other than a paintball thing and the gym I will be on PL lol.

Hope to hear from anyone interested