For all you new players and you dont know much about the game or forums heres a general FAQ

1. Im not getting any xp. Why?- If you are wondering this and you think you're an idiot, this is possibly the most frequently asked question in the game. Heres your answer- It is because that since the first campaign (Forest Haven) is free, it makes sense that the devs (developers) need to put a level cap on it. The free campaign stops giving xp to people once they reach the level 13. You have to buy the other campaigns (Dark Forest is the next campaign) and you will increase in level. It is recommended that you buy a package (buy all the campaigns for a discounted price). You buy these campaigns with platinum or plat as we experienced players say.

2. How do I buy Platinum?- Whenever you log in. Click on enter towne. Then tap your name at the top left on the screen. Then at the subtabs at the top, you will see store. Click on this tab, Then at the side you will see Potion Store, Buy Platinum, Upgrades. Click on buy platinum and buy whatever your heart desires.Note: At the screen where you clicked enter towne, you will also see specials. this works too.

3. Why does it take so long to level?- Just stick to it. It will come. If you think that your going to slow, just hit the potion store! (Read the directions above and go to Potion Store instead.) Scroll over to XP potions. They can be bought with platinum if you are loaded with cash, but most playerrs go for the in game money route instead. The Hardcore Players Potion. This will get you x2 xp for 5 minutes, until you die, or go to the next level.
Hint: If you are dying to much, just ask a friend for help. if you have no friends (lol) then try to befriend someone whos a high level. Most of us are bored waiting for new updates anyway. In fact, if you want a high level friend, then just friend renumoth or tjornan. Just mention this thread and ill help you level if im not busy

4.How do I get money?- There are many different methods, its really just personal preference. Here are your options
a.) Do whats called liquidation. Just level around the campaigns, and since you pick up items, sell them. To the store. this is done by clicking on an item and at the bottom right of the screen click on sell. Normally helms sell for 40 gold, weapons for 100, armour for 70, and shields for 100. This is what i do because you get to level anyway. Note: If you recieve any pinks, then you may be able to sell it for extra money to people.
b.) any items you get you sell to people. This is an option for the patient. Because alot of people will not buy junk. But this will get you the most money.
c.) buy it with real money. Unless you are loaded this is a very expensive option. very expensive

Hint: If you beg for money or items, trust me you will not get anything. the only thing you will get is a spot on someones ignore list.

5. What are the item rarities?- Pink is rarest, Purple or some people call them blue are second, then green, then orange, grey and white. suprisingly, grey sells to stores for the most money.

6. Someone is seriously getting on my nerves what can i do to stop them? - just put them on your ignore list. This is done by clicking on the person and then hitting ignore. Trust me, if you are hurt by what they say about you, about how you're are a noob, then the internet is not the place for you. If you think someone has gone to far, making racial, sexual, or trolling comments then take a screenshot (done by holding on the home and power button at the same time) Then email the devs at This can be done if you think that someones name is inappropriate.

Here are a few useful links that you should check out A dictionary of items and all the thing related to PL Screenshot posting guide
PL Forum FAQ

If you think that this game is difficult, then you havent played many MMOs. Just hang in there, you will get the hang of it.

Ok so devs im really hoping for this sto become a sticky so..... (fingas crossed.) It is getting late so i will add more tommorow. And to my fellow Forum peoples, If u hve any questions that i might need to add just post them