I found another bug in game what i do not use but i think some op using it to get kills, i came to know it while i was trying an armor without ORDER JEWEL to armor with ORDER JEWEL.

I found that the damage benefit also work in all maps not only in somber regions.

How it works?

I don't suggest to use it, just let you know what it do so devs can fix asap. IF you have an equipment or whole gear with order jewel fury/finesse/mind you can get it's conditional damage to somber in all regions. Remove your gear with order jewel put any other gear clean or any other gemmed and now put back gear with order jewel you will see your damage increased than what it was initially.

I feel like OP using this in loadouts and swapping asap in pvp only to use this bug and keeping it sekrit.

Buff applies in pvp, pve, duel, all maps, towns, and house.
Buff gets removed once your respawn or remap or dc

REQUEST: Please fix it asap thanks, It doesn't seems like a visibility bug like dusk claymore one.