Many of you have probably seen the solo boards thread. This question came up and I wasn't quite sure how to handle it:

btw can we post for non-forum friends?

The following is how I responded in the thread, but I am trying to manage the solo boards for the community and feedback would help me align with community perspectives. Thanks all

As for posting for friends:
At this time I am concerned that it may become problematic if I open up the entry system in that way. Here are some reasons:
1. When you post, you are taking responsibility for the veracity of your claim. I don't see a clear way to extend that responsibility to someone who isn't a forum member.
2. There is no way to tell if the player in the entry actually wanted their boss feat posted, even if they actually did it.
3. It would be a good thing if this encouraged forum participation, there is so much great information available that it is a win-win to create a (free!) forum account.

Now, I may be overlooking some things.....
Are there players who want to be represented on the boards who actually have no way of accessing the forum?
Who is excluded from this ongoing competition due to circumstances beyond their control?
Is it possible to create a system of legitimate proxies who could post for players that are not able to access the forum?

I would greatly appreciate input on this issue. THE SOLO BOARDS are for all of us, and I would like to make entering as open as possible so long as integrity is maintained. If anyone has thoughts on this, please discuss.