Quote Originally Posted by leoakre View Post
Just because players can accomplish these difficult and long aps does not mean they do not have a wonderful and full life in the real world, it means that just like in the real world they strive to be the best at whatever interests and goals they may set for themselves and push themselves hard in their strive for excellence! Being able to achieve these things in a game in their free time speaks more towards those players (the ones who play legitimately) sense of determination and motivation to always do the best that they can, and not in any way implies that these high achieving players have no life. It just means these players like to work very hard in everything that they do, and then enjoy their achievements. People usually work and play how they live which represents their strength of character, not their lack of a life. When people post such comments here about LB players, or any player for that matter, who are able to finish all these long incredibly monotonous aps, they don't take into account that maybe a player might have been in a terrible accident or recovering from a long illness and being able to spend their time recuperating in a fantastical virtual world provides an enjoyable escape from the difficulties of their daily pain. Such callous comments about 'No Life' are meant to be sarcastic and funny but nobody here knows any given player's situation so it really speaks more towards the character of those making the comments, and not the lack of a high achieving player's life.

Everyone's life is different, allow players to play the game as they like, and not infringe on other player's enjoyment in an online world.

It's just a game, and for some it may be a life saver ... you never know!

Happy AP hunting!!
I agree with the "No Life" idea as said before, because I would like to use that title. For ME sounds really funny...not trying to be disrespect with you or any other LB or nonLB player, if you don't like just do not use it.
I mean: not everybody that says "no life" use it as a insult. I usually joke with my friends about it. We already have so many titles like: Prestigious, Ícon, Exemplar and more...why not some sarcastic humor?

Hope you don't take it to the wrong way, I read your story about your hands before and I do respect you as a player and person. I wish you all good in this life.

Feel free to disagree and show me if I'm wrong, I know you are very smart.

Have a awesome day.