60+ is active.
60+ is active.
nothing lasts forever
:O I wonder if that includes endgame pvp? I logged on my main the other day and saw only 1 lobby... unless...
The legend says the person who will find a pvp game at lvls 1-60 will receive 10k plat
Idk if 60 is active but it's fun
but level 56 is the best and most balanced! how could people leave lvl 56!
"Just because ur better than me doesnt mean i suck" ~ Elpsy
51-56 was the best. Lvl12 is active atm, but its kind of more like a value competition since the more you invest the better you are, there is little to no skill involved in fights sadly.
PL: iBest - No Longer, rest in peace you beautiful game!
If you're looking for an active pvp level I would suggest 10-12 as communion said or 17-22. The 17 to 25 range is active enough for you to find a game almost all the time.
Trying to find a game level 25-66? lol think again. levels 51-66 were by far the best in PL but now the most dead what a shame.
Bring back 71 pvp
35 is pretty active
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Don't necro plox
100 is a good level