I've been doing pvp again and a lot of it has been coming down to who misses and who hits the most. Knowing ranges doesn't even matter anymore cuz initial shot attack spell or whatever misses all the time. Literally I'd use repulse or stomp and I'd miss so many times, regardless of the fact that I know my ranges pretty damn well and I hit my skills first, no exaggeration. Pvp should not be so dependent on frickin dodge. Should rely on knowledge of range, power, effect, and timing. NOT DODGE CUZ THATS TOTAL BS... please, whomever out there disagrees, put me in my place and tell me I'm wrong. I'd love for someone to tell me that pvp really comes down to skill now a days.

I am speaking mostly for 50 below pvp. I quit endgame since I missed a lot of my skills then too especially bird vs bird fights.

PM 1v1 56 61 71 (I'm really okay with those levels really fun but sad they are dead)