Quote Originally Posted by JaytB View Post
Sorry, but that doesn't make sense O.o How would an enemy dodge MORE if your hit% is HIGHER?? (sorry for caps, can't bold text in tapatalk app).

And as explained in my other post in this thread, dodge is independent from hit%. If you miss due to hit%, you'll see 'missed' not 'dodged'
Dodge% is independent, but the number of times a dodge actually occurs is the product of your hit% and the opponent's dodge%. Examples:
  • Your hit% is 100% and the opponent's dodge% is 10%. Then the opponent will dodge 10% of your attacks.
  • Your hit% is 50% and the opponent's dodge% is 10%. Then the opponent will dodge 10% of what would have been successful hits, meaning 5% of your attacks are dodged, and the other 45% land.
  • Your hit% is 0% due to debuffs and the opponent's dodge% is 10%. Then the opponent never dodges because you will never hit in the first place.