You wanna know what happens to me. Ok so at around 6:50 is when i get db. And what i do is i pray for a combo to the pl gods. I tell them that if you give a combo elix i will do good in my studies and bring honor to my family. Ok, so i turn on pl and what do you know I Get. A Combo! Whoohoo. So i start farming. Slayer,ff,feast,nuris etc. ok,alls well in the first few rounds. But then you dont get anything. Im wondering why is this happening to me. I have big luck and combo maybe i dont have enough luck so i buy 7k combo. Still nothing ? Then i buy trasher, and suddenly theres a triple drop at ff, but guess who was left out of this meraculos event. Me. With trasher, combo, and big luk.... Im seriously thinking i have dine something wrong with my karma.

But yea. Story of my life ^^