Heal can be effectively ran up to elite glintstone and in gy without dying, two mages + 1war+1 rogue is gg team.

Mages can get close to 7k hp while going full int with certain equips and pet(using 61leg weapon aswell so you retain damg). Not a tank but...

A proper team can demolish any pull up to/and elite glint in seconds, and if everyone does their job correctly and have proper pet AAs they will be stunned 100% of the time before they are cleared. I see no reason to worry about getting aggro until elite underhul and maus.

Believe me, i understand why mages shouldnt really use a skill that causes more threat than tank skills but it doesnt really matter as the mobs wont have a chance to hit.

I think you should judge each healing mage different as most of them arent timing nor positioning themselves correctly and some of us dont die if each class does their jobs. In above stated, i get to actually feel like a mage and heal -_- since we dont get resurrection skill :/

I run hybrid anyways so i switch accordingly. Heal is not a must have but if you have brains it wont get you slaughtered but in elite under and maus.

I find myself running heal more as we aquire more power from all the awakens thrown our way.

Mobs are getting easier to clear so the threshold of heal being "ok" to use is rising(if not heal, most go shield),

This is my opinion and i run strictly pugs (no guild for a month or so). I may (in the maps i stated) see 1 person die from mobs every 5 or so runs when i use heal.

Thank you much for your time, Cya around .

Ign: Archonmage