Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Here's what I recommend:

Use the Host feature. If you want to run open games be prepared to Kick players who don't suit your desired level-range.

Otherwise, consider creating private games and inviting only those you wish to compete.
Really that's all you say? There's a massive community here doing twink who love the game and play the game just as much as anyone at endgame and you will just disregard all these players by doing this and throw them under the bus by getting rid of restrictions. Also you think kicking people will work? Its not like there is just 5-10 endgame pvpers out there is it? Theres a whole bunch of them joining game after game and we spend most our times booting people instead of actually enjoying the game and you think thats fair on us? Ok lets just say we do kick all of them in this imaginary situation. They're just going to bring their other higher lvl toons just to kill us again and that's fun for everyone is it? Well lets just keep this situation going shall we? So we kicked everyone and kicked all their other higher lvl characters what happens? After spending 20+ minutes kicking everyone the game is about to finish...... Then the lobby restarts and everyone who has been kicked can join again and we have to repeat this all over again that sounds real fun for all of us. Secondly Private games. Here at twink we don't just like playing the same people over and over again we actually like to fight all different classes and different people not just our friends every single day how boring would that be. Everyone wants to learn and get better at pvp by fighting different people with different kinds of styles of play not just the same thing over and over again. In conclusion what I am saying is having no level restrictions in PvP is absurd because it just takes both the skill and fun out of pvp and these "solutions" you have given us will never work. I think everyone and twink will agree with this and even some people at endgame will. Please don't disregard the people who love this game at twink and give us back the restrictions.....