Quote Originally Posted by Spyce View Post
First and foremost

I'm built
I'm gamepleys
I'm gamepleys
I'm wound
No other igns

Slim was a friend that was on all the time (was a pvp mage)
Dent used to be a friend until they scammed an Avarince belt off me (was a rogue)

Can gladly show my mages pve record to assure I'm not this dent character.

I've never owned the next nor have scammed a soul, yes when I was to buy something from someone I would put "ign built/dent/slim" as they where always online and had a way to contact me if I was not in game.
I haven't spoken to Dent in quite a while

However makes a whole lot of sense now that Ign iove (Raf)(now that I know) said prints where done, I thought he was talking about signatures

To clear anything up I have only 4 accounts and if anyone has any doubt in who I say I am feel free to ask around,
yes bro, i ask around first, i edited, Sorry for the inconvenience, dent is other people, he rename to try out without ban.