So, we've already got this in PL. My suggestion is to release an Elite campaign when raising the cap. Why? It 's cool that you get to rock your new lvl cap duds when you get there. And part of the fun is knowing you can kick butt even bett with your new stuff. Problem is, you kinda already kicked butt against the last 4000 enemies.. Takes the wind out of using your new gear.

Answer: Elite (35 and 36 right now) levels. Heck, they can even be copies of the latest campaigns, just make all the enemies 2x as hard. Now you _need_ that new gear just to survive!

Also, maybe a new leader board for Elite kills.

This might go well with the other string to perma-keep the Vanity items for reaching level cap. Make it an Elite missin with 25k kills or something. Other string here
