Quote Originally Posted by Nabhunter View Post
Did you already hoard few hundred artifacts?
Actually, nope. I do have around 20-30. And that is why I said the required number of rare artifacts have to be huge. They can even go as far as more than a hundred.

At the moment, those artifacts are listed at 1.1-2k each. Knowing that it doesn't have any use, even at that price I wouldn't bother buying them if I know I can't use them at all. I even liquidated a few coz honestly, right now, it's just a waste of space. I'm pretty sure a lot of hardcore PvE runners can agree to that.

And if they do implement it, boogie runs are easy enough that I can just run to get the amount of artifacts I need or just buy the arcane one straight up. It's getting pretty cheap anyway.

P.S. I do get your point but not everyone makes a play to get millions through conniving methods. I'm not exactly "super" rich in game, but I'm not that cheap to make such a move like that. Just saying.