This thread is mainly for the things you should do and should not do as an player whether or not you may be a newbie,
however I often see a specific behavior among newbies so I would like to educate them and also help them work around AL.
Let's begin with the DOs:
- Be kind.
Being kind to other players is essential to your "survival" in the game. It would be very difficult to become a great
player or at least a respected player if your attitude stinks.
- Work hard.
Many players think that gold is very easy to come by especially for the "pros" and "plat-users"
For me in a way AL teaches me to work hard for what I want and to learn how to budget my gold and how to wisely
use it and I believe that it is very applicable in my life.
Gold is very difficult to come by in large amounts, unless you're lucky. But if you keep farming and busting your butt
out there to make the gold you need, that to me means that you're a pro and that you are really putting an effort
into this game.
- Join guilds!
Guilds are a great way to connect and communicate with other players and to make friends. They are like your in-
game family which I think is really cool. They support you and help you become the best player you can be!
- Farm!
This applies to everything, you can farm gold, exp, items, chests, etc. Gold is self-explanatory but with the
introduction of Experience Kits this may make people lazy and not go out there running Citadel from dusk till dawn
to cap. I find that when you actually farm for exp it's more thrilling in spite of the long and never-ending process.
Items often go up in value especially from items that are only available during events, and the same applies for
- Help players!
May it be a friend, a fellow guildie or even a stranger it is always great to lend a helping hand and helping someone
become a better player. This can include gaining aps, leveling, teaching someone what not to do in the game or
even sharing some tips of your own when it comes to playing.
- Respect players.
Newbie or not it is always important to respect the players around you. Even if they may be bots (yikes) or real
people, respect is key to becoming not just a better and amazing player but also a better person.
- Finish all the quests you come across and accept all the quests you come by.
This certainly helps especially with leveling up at the beginning of the game and also with earning a bit of gold on
- Craft Jewels!
Crafting can be a great source of income. Just to give you some perspective, Fortified Fury Jewels are about 20-
25K in the auction or consignment shop as of today.
- Explore!
Go around towns and see if you can find interesting things to do such as quests and some minor dungeons like
tombs, mines and the Hauntlet!
- Run Elites!
This is preferably for people nearing endgame because it is much easier to do
- Follow the Terms of Service!
This concludes my DOs because I would like to keep this as short but as substantial as I can.
- Beg
Everything comes with hard work and begging is not "hard work"
- Cuss at players
One word: Rude.
- Harass people for promotions in guilds
Self-explanatory (key word HARASS)
- Skip out on killing enemies in maps
This may result to the boss not popping up
- Go guild-hopping
It is allowed for you to try out other guilds if you're not comfortable in the guild you are currently in but don't keep
going back and forth and staying in each guild for half a day.
- Miss out on quests
I've said the benefits on my DOs portion of this thread
A ton of players and if not all players hate leeches (figuratively and literally)
- Scam
A: Violation of the Terms of Service
B: Proves how much of a low life you must be
C: Just don't do it.
- Share account information or make accounts for other players
Another violation of the ToS
-Violate the Terms of Service
A: You'll get banned.
B: You'll lose everything if you get banned.
- Don't call random people nabs
I admit to doing this myself sometimes when I get really annoyed but I feel really bad afterwards so just don't
Hello Newbies! Welcome to Arlor! Lemme just teach you a couple of terminologies that I have learned from playing AL
-Merch price / Merch: Buying cheap
ex: (B) Finesse Jewels merch price
- Inv: Invite to party/ guild
ex: Player: Maus 4?
Me: Inv
- Cs/Auc: Auction or Consignment Shop
ex: Player: Do you know how much Nekro costs at the cs?
Me: *checks cs* 7m!
- How to talk to guildmates ( green colored text): /g message
ex: /g Hello guildies!
- How to talk to party members (lavender colored text): /p message
ex: /p let's go?
I have here the link to my gold guide, feel free to read through to learn more ways to earn yourselves gold!:
Hope this helped a bit! I will certainly be doing an in depth newbie guide!
Good luck in game and in life! Feel free to pm me my ign: Pridde
I am currently a level 63 rogue and I am willing to help anyone to the best of my abilities, cheers!