Quote Originally Posted by slamm3dsoc13ty View Post
Arvoh i literally stated that it has to be minimum 25 plat to be traded to prevent that from happening. Since IOS still has offers. Take off offers for them so people just dont plat farm like alot of other people have in the past and still do to this day. Its simple to understand. Just because plat is in circulation. Doesnt make it any less desirable for those who want to lvl snd farm gear that they want. This is simple to understand but you are all overthinking it.
I figured that someone would create a new account, give it 15plat, then have it all traded back to their main account. As to whether what “it” means in your statement since you arent being specific whether you mean 25plat bought on that account or just 25 in that account, i cant say much else than that. Anyways this would just be a mess in PL, any systems with currency in PL would change definitely.