Quote Originally Posted by Dchar7 View Post
Anybody has time to login for 5 seconds every 3 months.. If you got banned it would of been for a valid reason period.
People go inactive over time. Still no reason for their accounts to be deleted. I use to go inactive from PL months at a time but we still come in to check out what's new. Other game companies does not do this so why should StS? False. You CAN be banned for absolutely no reason. In my Case it was a stupid reason with no facts to back up why i was banned. 300 people got banned during 2016 Christmas heading into the new year of Jan. Majority of which complained that their reasoning was not even true. Now many of which deserved the ban because they was selling accounts and gold for real world currency but for my case StS can't even tell me what i really was banned for. I asked 2 people. Both gave me two different reasons. Talk about fair.