This thread is only for the following levels L.1-40. The update that was released on Christmas of 2016 was supposed to NERF the halloween armors ontinuity by removing the dodge from int halloween armors and the Hit%, damage of the dex halloween. While the nerf on these armors DID happen, StS also decided to Nerf Damage by 12%, Critical by 50%, dodge by 12-50% and Last but not leastHit% OVERALL BY 50%. Now let's think about this for a second. We would all think this could ruin the PvP continuity IN ALL ZONES. Yet that wasn't the only thing StS did. With these Stat nerf StS took action bu nerfing EVERY SETS DAMAGE AND OTHER STATS BY A %. Now let's take a time to look at how this could effect L.35 one of the more popular zones in twink. Copper as a whole is a set that relies heavily on it's Hit% but drops off in damage, dodge, and it's critical attack. With these nerfs Copper BARELY breaks 100 Hit% compared to before when it was well at 115+ Hit% depending on how much dex you were. Because of the low dodge from the start of it's creation, mages were able to land most attacks, giving copper a equal. Looking at it now, copper can easily be beat out by mages and is now fodder for plat bears. Never in my many years playing copper and thoth bear have i ever been so underpowered to any form of bear. I was easily beating plat bears out due to the crush combo and the hit% but that's just me. I've seen many good copper bears be easily defeated by plat so it's a back to back thing. Looking even close to twink zones 15-77 you'll see that mages landing a 400 critical attack isn't really that surprising. So let's skip 66+ and talk about how it effects 27-61 where it happens nearly every battle. In 27 a 400 critical attack is easily death. You're not coming back from it which makes it extremely unfair for none healing classes, infact it's unfair overall because THIS IS NOT ENDGAME. You should never be capable of landing Critical attacks above 230 in 23-50 and never should land more than 300 in 51-61 unless you're under a dodge/ armor debuff. These critical attacks are insane and extremely unbalanced, it just goes into Skills house and throws Skill out the window to claim the house it's own. The 3pc ring is one of the major factors in this. We've asked StS to either remove it from the 1-65 level continuity of players or nerfing the ring in zones below 66. The nerf update made the warrior class evade skill completely useless. It's because of this reason why bears are getting obliterated by 400 critcal attacks. To counter this StS needs to Buff dodge BACK to what it was before the 2016 Christmas global nerf, Buff sets back to what it was also before 2016, nerf critical SKILL DAMAGE by 50% to stop these absurd critical hits, and last but not least. Do something with these 3pc rings. Either remove them from 1-65 or nerf them so a new ring can replace it with BALANCED stats.