2h guns are somewhat fun, but it takes no skill especially when it comes to mages. ms is making mage be able to take one auto from a bear or rhino and survive it still having a high dps as a bird and fox that can only take one auto. Maybe if mages mana or hp was tweaked with a little and made that mages cannot survive one auto from rhinos or bears 2h and take 2 from fox and birds just like any other class. maybe we would have a chance without having to add range to a bears gun which i still do highly consider since we can be kited easily with repulse and fire with the range of the guns mages and birds have i'm not for the idea of 2h weapons, but if they are going to stay might aswell make it balanced. Like mages mana + hp should equal 2500. Where it can't survive an auto of a bear since it is not a tank class like rhino or bear. Having the dps it has and can take 2500 damage without dying just puts it above all classes and it can be fixed easily.