Not to nitpick but couple things might be worth it;

On some quests like "crystalline energy" and some of the summerholt quests where you collect X from mobs, those drops are rng so it's not "simply kill 25".

I see a lot get "hibiscus " quest wrong during runs because you don't get the toxin by killing 15 worms. The trick is someone has to close one of those flowers RIGHT before the worm dies. Closing the flower only gives you like 2 seconds. More than that and no one gets toxin.

Also the relic quest in festerfang, the relics don't drop from mobs, they come from the chests & you have to be the one opening it, AND it is also a random chance.

Correct me if I'm wrong on any of that lel

Anyway I needed this guide for new alt, and found it useful thx