My second topic focuses on what I found out while playing my Enchantress from 1 to 33:

- Make more M/s gear available early in game. Rack up M/S in general, because mana is infinite by definiton in a world of mana potions, so 2 m/s on low level items are not going to unbalance the world. Another way would be to let regen scale way better with Int. It does not evoke unbalance later, as there's not a great diffrence between having 20 m/s at 45 or 25.

- Reduce Threat of AoE Spells or give the Ench a good Panic Button when she draws aggro. In a world where there is no designated tank at some times, things can get pretty ugly. A short cooldown while preventing damage almost completly for a short period of time would be nice.

- The Enchantress currently has to be healer and AoE Dps at the same time. In my opionion, people should more actively choose what they want to play:

A lot of Players like to heal, but pressing one button every few secs is not really fun. Give out more Healing spells that are situational and let the Ench target players (maybe once targeting is implemented better). Give out a fast heal that does not heal for much, a big heal that takes long to cast and a group heal with a medium cooldown. This way your design team can design more challenging group interactions by adding AoE enemy spells.
--> Support Enchantress

The other players like to deal heavy AoE Damage, so let them have a better rotation. Most of the skills are balanced around a far too long cooldown. Having nothing to do after hitting 4 buttons and wating 20 secs while spamming heal and revive is no fun at all. Edit or implement a skill rotation that you can press and once the last spell has been cast the first one comes available again.
--> Damage Ench

Both Enchantress Models should be able to do the others job if needed, but not as good as the respective niche-enchantress.

I hope my points become clear. :-)