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Not wearing full Tainted Set
1. damage debuff pack, purple weapon icon -> -50% damage, work on bosses
2. armor debuff pack, purple armor icon -> -50% armor, work on bosses
3. small poison, bomb icon with no purple aura -> 50% target's health (no longer over time), does not work on bosses
4. mana burn, purple health pack icon -> manaburn, not sure how much is it burning in pve, work on bosses
full tainted set (these are the "super" packs):
1. instakill, bomb with purple aura -> instantly kills, does not work on bosses
2. stun, red bone -> stun for around 3 secs, work on bosses
"Super Stun" is just referencing the stun back, which is rare and can only spawn if you are wearing the 3/3 Tainted Love Set