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    Blogger PsychoNuke's Avatar
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    Angry Need Clarity: Tainted Weapons

    There are too many rumours, bugs and information floating all around which is so confusing. Can any dev be specific what is suppose to work and what not please:

    This was the original post:
    Quote Originally Posted by Justg View Post
    Proc 2:
    On attacking an enemy you have a chance to spawn a detrimental pickup. These pickups last for 5 seconds and can only be grabbed by your enemies. Pickups include:
    Poison Pack: Deals a moderate amount of armor ignoring damage to the enemy over time.
    Damage Down Pack: The enemy only deals 50% damage for 5 seconds.
    Armor Down Pack: The enemy only has 50% armor for 5 seconds.
    Mana Burn Pack: Removes 20% of the enemies Mana
    This is what I see
    Attachment 166567

    Is 50% Health as Damage the POISON PACK (if yes, then I don't think that is moderate amount of DOT, I see it is applied as 1 hit on bosses right now)? Then what is Super Poison pack?
    What is Super Stun pack? how is it different from normal stun which is currently working on bosses as well.

    Kindly advise. Thank you.
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    oh wow, you're right, there are few contradictions between what is written in the guide, in game description, and actual proc

    as for the actual proc, a normal debuff weapon can proc 4 type of pack:
    1. damage debuff pack, purple weapon icon -> -50% damage, work on bosses
    2. armor debuff pack, purple armor icon -> -50% armor, work on bosses
    3. instant kill, purple bomb icon -> 1hko, boss can't pick these ones
    4. mana burn, purple health pack icon -> manaburn, not sure how much is it burning in pve, work on bosses

    full tainted set:
    1. poison damage, red bomb -> deals 50% of target's health, work on bosses, also i find certain case where it only deal 25% of target's health, maybe this is the normal poison, but it has no difference in visual, pack design, nor text.
    2. stun, red bone -> stun for around 3 secs, work on bosses

    also, in the hours i'm using my tainted weapon without armor/helm, i can't proc any kind of 'normal' poison pack, or 'normal' stun pack, ofc that might be because i'm unlucky.

    but then again, the coloring difference between normap debuff packs and full set debuff packs made me assume that there is no such thing as normal stun/poison.

    another concern is that the current proc have unclear tier of superiority between full set debuffs, and weapon only debuffs,
    in comparison to buff weapon, +200 damage and +100 crit is clearly better than +20 damage or +10 crit
    but super poison pack (50% target's health, and supposed to not working on bosses) is not better than instant kill, while stun might be better than damage debuff pack, but it follows stun immunity rules in pvp, and the effect last shorter than damage debuff.

    my suggestion is,
    change stun stun pack into -95% damage debuff, just like lich's debuff,
    change instant kill pack into a pack that deals 50% of target's health or 5% of player/bosses and make it explode with decent aoe,
    change poison pack into pack that can instant kill mobs or deal 10% of players'/bosses' health and make it explode too, and don't weight the chance of different proc, make it all equal to spawn each pack.
    Last edited by extrapayah; 02-19-2018 at 12:24 PM.
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    Basically the bug you're referring to is the poison packs taking out half of the boss HP. I personally think this is awesome and has already been used on some elite timed runs by some owners, but it's probably going to get patched as stated by STS. I doubt they want us to be 2 hit KOing all their bosses xD. I do think its a welcome change though as now during boss fights, you don't have to rely solely on dragon staffs. All classes can drop these packs which evens the playing field in pve. Rogues have been rejected from mauso runs since they weren't doing much on mobs nor bosses. Can't comment on pvp, but I don't think tanks with 16k+ hp are too happy about dying from just picking up packs.

    Perhaps reduce the damage of the poison packs on bosses?
    Last edited by Kakashis; 02-19-2018 at 12:53 PM.
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    Sts stated clearly that the psn packs don't work on bosses.. so therefor im sure they will fix it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by extrapayah View Post
    ..also, in the hours i'm using my tainted weapon without armor/helm, i can't proc any kind of 'normal' poison pack, or 'normal' stun pack, ofc that might be because i'm unlucky.
    Maybe because its not there.
    May be "Stun" and "50%health as Damage" mentioned in the weapon description are the Super Packs. As per the initial post from Gary, there is only Super Stun pack, no normal. and I think they forgot to add normal poison packs in-game.
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    I kill arround 200 boss event with debuff weapon antes dont Drop nothing its a bug weapon? I lose too many gold for it

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    Bump! Still waiting for answer from dev.
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  12.   This is the last Dev post in this thread.   #8
    Spacetime Studios Dev VROOMIGoRealFast's Avatar
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    Not wearing full Tainted Set
    1. damage debuff pack, purple weapon icon -> -50% damage, work on bosses
    2. armor debuff pack, purple armor icon -> -50% armor, work on bosses
    3. small poison, bomb icon with no purple aura -> 50% target's health (no longer over time), does not work on bosses
    4. mana burn, purple health pack icon -> manaburn, not sure how much is it burning in pve, work on bosses

    full tainted set (these are the "super" packs):
    1. instakill, bomb with purple aura -> instantly kills, does not work on bosses
    2. stun, red bone -> stun for around 3 secs, work on bosses

    "Super Stun" is just referencing the stun back, which is rare and can only spawn if you are wearing the 3/3 Tainted Love Set
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    Quote Originally Posted by VROOMIGoRealFast View Post
    Not wearing full Tainted Set
    1. damage debuff pack, purple weapon icon -> -50% damage, work on bosses
    2. armor debuff pack, purple armor icon -> -50% armor, work on bosses
    3. small poison, bomb icon with no purple aura -> 50% target's health (no longer over time), does not work on bosses
    4. mana burn, purple health pack icon -> manaburn, not sure how much is it burning in pve, work on bosses

    full tainted set (these are the "super" packs):
    1. instakill, bomb with purple aura -> instantly kills, does not work on bosses
    2. stun, red bone -> stun for around 3 secs, work on bosses

    "Super Stun" is just referencing the stun back, which is rare and can only spawn if you are wearing the 3/3 Tainted Love Set
    Thank you for the clarification vroom!

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    Quote Originally Posted by VROOMIGoRealFast View Post
    Not wearing full Tainted Set
    1. damage debuff pack, purple weapon icon -> -50% damage, work on bosses
    2. armor debuff pack, purple armor icon -> -50% armor, work on bosses
    3. small poison, bomb icon with no purple aura -> 50% target's health (no longer over time), does not work on bosses
    4. mana burn, purple health pack icon -> manaburn, not sure how much is it burning in pve, work on bosses

    full tainted set (these are the "super" packs):
    1. instakill, bomb with purple aura -> instantly kills, does not work on bosses
    2. stun, red bone -> stun for around 3 secs, work on bosses

    "Super Stun" is just referencing the stun back, which is rare and can only spawn if you are wearing the 3/3 Tainted Love Set
    No more hearts for things like set auras..... Hearts are cool as optional gear items (banners, backpacks, ETC.) but, as a set aura, NO.................

    Also, you had it right the first time when you had the set aura configured to display at a lower opacity..... The higher opacity is TOO "HEART POWER" for me.... I hate hearts surrounding me...... LOL..................

    IMO, the enthralled talisman visual effect would have been a better look for the full set visual effect........

    Additionally..... Better sets for future please .......
    Last edited by Motherless_Child; 02-26-2018 at 12:33 PM.

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    Thanks Vroom for the information. Thread Closed
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