I've decided to add a list of commands. Because, as a player who's played for awhile then took a break for a year, you tend to forget simple stuff, such as common commands. To prevent common mistakes in the game, I'm going to attach a list of them:
For Everyone’s Use:
/all [message]
When you PVP, the chat is automatically set towards your team.
/all allows players from both sides hear what you have to say
/duel [target]To dual someone; abbreviated /d
/friend [target]To friend someone; abbreviated /f
/guildchat [message] To talk in the guildchat; abbreviated /g
/guildcreate [guild name]To create a guild
/guildhall To visit the guildhall; abbreviated /guildh
/guildinvite [target] To invite someone to your guild; NOTE: you must be
at least a recruiter to do this step
/guildmotd To view the MOTD within your guild. NOTE: this
does not let you change the MOTD
/houseTo transport to your house; abbreviated /hou
/location This tells you where you are located in the map;
[ex. -0.36, 1.23]
/partychat [message] To talk in your party; abbreviated by /p
/partyinvite [target] Invites another member to your party if there
are less than 4 players; abbreviated /partyI
/partykick [target] You can only do this if you are the party leader;
kicks a party member from the party; abbreviated /partyk
/partyleave Lets you leave the party you are currently in; abbreviated
/promocode There are some "codes" you can get with AL. Here is one:
/promo amazon ... Codes let you get all sorts of goodies!
/reply [message] Don't get this messed up with /tell! /reply lets you reply only
to the last message you had received! Abbreviated by /r
/report [target] Reports an individual when they break a rule. Don't abuse this
/reportchat [target] Reports a chat
/reportmail [target] Reports a mail you received through the housing system
/tell [target; message] Lets you communicate to anyone in the game; it is not the
same as /reply. Abbreviated /t
/trade [target] Lets you trade with an individual as long as their trade
option is on
/visit [target] Lets you visit another player's house. Must be their friend,
in their party or guild; abbreviated /v
Shows you who is in the same location as you
For Officers or Masters' Use Only:
/guildbattlegroundcancelaccepted Lets you accept a battleground
/guilddemote [target]. Lets you demote a guildmate
/guildkick [target] Lets you kick a guildmate from the guild
/guildpromote [target] Lets you promote a guildmate
/guildtransferleadership [target] Lets you transfer leadership
/setguildmotd [motd]Lets you change the MOTD
/officer This is the officer chat. Allows master/officer to communicate privately.
Abbreviated /o
Let me know if I've forgotten anything! Thanks!