For some reason my long post got deleted when i tried to edit -.-

Anyways i wanted to share some ideas/suggestions i had on my mind
If arbs do come back for new cap why not make old arbs accessible again too?

Like for example at L55 u get 30000xp to reach 56 u get sleeves/boots, then u get similar large number of xp again to get to 57 and then get chest arb, then same again to 58 and u get helm..etc and so on till level 60 u get all 5 pieces

That way everyone can get arb set if theyre dedicated enough while not reducing their worth as much

I was thinking we should have new AOE weapons for every class! Doesnt have to be busted like nap with 360 degrees range but could work like flux cannon hits more enemies within a range. We all know how scorn and sts is without napalm, its straight up impossible without nap and discourages new players from playing if they dont have nap.
We could have aoe slashers/tacs with weaker dps or a much weaker nap but much less rarer so newbies dont get discouraged quickly

Btw i agree with higher credit drop, modding lowkey ruined economy
Also agree with removing int/str/dex, useless mod buffs that no one ever specifically mods for

Thanks for reading!