So i give this thing a try after no success with it the old way, i run through the crypts to the 3 level in mt fang, and the do final boss a second time, this whole time i never rerolled once or even attempted to, i was thinking i maybe bought the broken mirror elixir by mistake, but then w/ 3 min left( i figured there wouldnt be enough time for another fang boss) i went to help my friend lvl his twink in AO3 like all of my drops rerolled into greens for the remainder of my elix. So it works...but not in Mt Fang? I dont understand w/ i basically got cheated out of 20 plat. I dont know if u intended it to not work in Mt Fang which is the only place i would use it, or if this is a serious bug, throwing away 20 plat for nothing is not what most enjoy, so if it was intended this way maybe put a warning on it or just dont apply that elix while in Mt Fang.