Hello everyone,

I’ve been playing PL for 6 years and absolutely thought pvp was the biggest joke. I have recently loved pvp from the guild events as early on during the event I hated pvp, but figured out the pvp play style and skill combos that helped me succeed. With this event over I want to look toward end game pvp.

I have a few Questions I would love someone to answer for me:

1. As a pure int mage what enchant types do I need for each piece of enchantable armor (weapon, armor, shield, amulet)

2. I see a lot of people say to mage nuke, but when do you use this vs ice fire combo

3. How do you kite it seems like it doesn’t ever really work and mage attack’s hit farther than their ranges delegated

4. As a mage how does one play the area to be successful and win fight of multiple people attack’s at one time.

5. What kind of rotation is most beneficial (Opener/Then what are the priorities)