Doesnt mean that there was good engs means they were a good class, theres pro twink engs too, but theyre still not as good as op at all. Theres a reason theyre not as common

I was never bad at pvp before and post mods u can check my kd even, doesnt mean i still cant complain about coms. At least ops need to learn how to kite, same for eng and walling, coms more or less just move forward, dodge and just crit everything

Pre mods most fights just straight up depended on rng, if u can wall and stall crit skill u win, if u miss youre dead. Previously "good" coms are just mad now cause they cant just without thought rush down engineers with nap and shave 50% of hp using one combo like they used to

/rant, tbh i just hope cinco adds modless pvp arena so that pvp isnt as dumb as it is now. Feels like some jrpg where everyone heals tons and have 700 dps now