Quote Originally Posted by Draebatad View Post
You're lucky to see more than a single game per +/-5 pvp zones. If the game was thriving in PvP, the work required to implement a spectator mode (which incidentally, makes STS zero money) would make sense
Honor pvp would not exist in that sense, enormous pvp balance tweaks would not exist, 105 pvp procs & cinco's effort to assign 105 item's pvp aspect stat first rather than PVE wise for the first time ever in PL would not exist & all those would not make sense xD

Quote Originally Posted by Communion View Post
This would be cool, but I feel like the request should be clarified a bit more. If you are on a player's friends list and they are currently in a Rockwall Forts PvP lobby, but their game is full, can we still be able to spectate them? Or do you have to be within the level range of your friend (5 +/-) and have to actually join them to spectate in game? Or is it you have to be within the level range of your friend, but you can freely spectate them without having to join their game?

The idea of this is great and I would definitely love to see this happening.
I've some cool basic ideas for that -
- Spectate option like join option (hosted games)
- No level restriction to spectate but to stop spam maybe a minimum level requirement lets say L50
- Large numbers of lobby Lets say upto 20 players can spectate
- While hosting one can choose that spectate mode will be available or not
- An outer circle exclusive for spectators, they can't get into inner active circle zone
- Inner circle zone for active pvp-ers occupies most of the map eg 90%, pvp-ers can't visit outer circle either
- Spectators can't comment only pvp-ers as usual.
This idea fits for round shape arena maps

2nd type -
As we see in the various competitive games -
Spectate pvp-ers from pvp-ers point of view (spectator can choose which player's POV to watch but not the skill set up) and pvp-ers can see how many players are spectating em.