Quote Originally Posted by Draebatad View Post
Sorry to hear that you got scammed during the 100 cap. But as the good guys/gals continue to quit, the scamming element appears to only get more potent based upon my observations.

As you noticed when you logged in, none of your friends were to be found. The community is sadly looking nearly nonexistent as so many people have quit/moved on. It would seem that a mere 100-150 people are active each day. Around 35 PvE games at all levels are listed right now, most with 1 player present and there are no PvP games listed active at end game right now. The combined total number of players in towns right now is just under 50. Hopefully these trends can be at least partially reversed with good updates during the upcoming holidays.

Sounds like you will be able to afford a 30k gold honor set for PvP, but you will find yourself waiting for people to join in most cases. It's much like twink PvP, which can be a turnoff to some. As for regular PvP, you will find that item enchantments are like a form of slot machine gambling (making them frustratingly very expensive for desirable plat or gold rolls, but necessary for buffing regular PvP stats), so buying sets/pieces with good enchantments already done is sometimes more desirable than the gamble of doing it yourself. End game sets will probably run you 20-30m++. Overall, inflation is real across the board.

As far as gold, you might find that as you accrue more wealth again, the prices may continue to rise, putting you at a disadvantage as a buyer. However, if you are a savvy merch, you might be able to put that to your own benefit. Merching is arguably more difficult these days in most cases, and the smaller community means less potential customers.

PL is much more plat hungry/pay-to-win oriented than ever before, for example, those who buy plat elixirs during events get the advantage, but if you get lucky enough to tag along in games where the elixir is present, you get the advantage, too. The "trick" to events is the points required to get the top tier are accrued faster with the presence of plat elixirs, as are your chances to drop rare event loot. The prices decrease for event vendor items with each successive tier (bronze > silver > gold). Hopefully if you return that you enjoy the events that you get to participate in.

There's a handful of community discord servers, consider each one a different "channel" or "station". The link to the PL Party Zone discord server can be found below my signature image if you'd like to check it out.
RIP I suppose I’ll just stop in to say hi from time to time. TY so much appreciate the response