Yikes! You guys really, really didn't make it easy on the judges! You gave them 36 high-quality entries to try and make a decision from and I know it was hard to choose only 3. But, besides being all stunningly good-looking, they are wise, perspicacious, and all incredibly stubborn enough to stick with it and come up with the top three. Those top three are:

In 3rd Place, winning 20,000 credits:


In 2nd Place, winning 30,000 credits:

Sassinya from Dead Shot Mafia

And in 1st Place, winning 50,000 credits plus a lvl 30 Custom Chromaweave Op set and a place in Caras' heart for *finally* getting him a date (even though Dos probably hid in the back seat of the car) is......(drumroll, please)......

Kahlua from Sparkling Pwnies!!!!

Congrats to everyone who entered! And biggest thanks to the three judges -- Bod, Ebalere and Javier995 -- for taking on a tough job! Winners--I'll add all of you on Rauen and I'll make an effort to be in the game the next few days (kicks work into the corner) so you can get your prizes as quickly as possible. Thanks again to everyone!