Quote Originally Posted by QuaseT View Post
All those rerolls work for itself so its basic probability calculation. Adding all those % is wrong bc if u have more than 100% luck you still dont reroll all the time.
Lets say you have fob 20% and elix 30%. It doesnt matter if you reroll 1 or 2 times in reality to get a better item.
The chance for a reroll would be 2/10 *8/10 + 3/10 *7/10 + 3/10 *2/10 = 43%
20% + 30% = 50% is a wrong calculation.
Actually 20% + 30% = 50% is the right calculation, thats how it works for any %Stat that can be stacked.

Then why doesn't 100% re-roll chance work every-time? Well there are two widely accepted theories used in most games:
  1. The probability is canceled/reduced against the negative chance of re-roll from a boss.

    For example: Event bosses that does not re-roll at all must have -100%+(number that is bigger than the achievable % by players) chance of reroll, that means even if you equip 100% luck you will not reroll on that boss. Similarly every boss in game must have a different negative% re-roll chance.

  2. Soft cap for %Luck.
    For example: If the soft cap for %Luck is 70% then you gain almost no benefit for each further % added, or the benefit is largely reduced that player can never reach 100%.