1. what about this, Betting system for duels or maps, there can be a pve map and you can bet on a team to win, there will be up to 4 teams.
npc takes the gold and you bet on which team you think will win, there can be livestreams of this, there can be like 10 bosses and it can be crazy! if you win you get x2 the gold that you bet. if you lose then you only get back 1/4 of the gold or none of the gold.

2. have a new pvp zone that anyone can goto and go against everyone, free for all pvp map that can have up to 30 players and the level difference can be up to 2 lvls

3. legendary/rare/epic items, give procs to all of these and the better rarity the better the proc, this will help starters in the game for cheaper items.

4. bug testers, let us help you all check for bugs on new maps before you release them, chose a team of up to 10 players in the game once a month to check for bugs for a new map, they get rewarded and they get exclusive access to the new map before anyone else does. this would be awesome!

5. make a entire new map system, theres pvp/pve maps, add another one. like maybe PvB (player vs Boss) and there can be exclusive items during events there. it can be a midway point for an event. so during an event the map opens to everyone and it can hold up to 10 players and the boss drops items that are very hard to get in the event, or like platinum tier reward, except the boss has an insane ammount of health so it will take alot of time and good gear to kill it.

6. add a new category for items, like a vanity that has awakens or u can slot jewels on the vanitys.

7. plat offers for pc, ive been wanting to do offers on my pc for years, unsure if this is the same for everyone but pc users cant do platinum offers like tapjoy? (please fix)