Quote Originally Posted by TerryDarc View Post
Thanks, Draebated
So, I just checked the prices for Tinsel and Gleam and my goodness are they expensive. 25 -35 million. When I last played, I think the limit for gold was 9.9999 Million. So, that's obviously been lifted, but I'm baffled where anyone would come up with that kind of gold. I know you can buy it and maybe that's the way STS has monetized PL. 250k Gold costs 350 plat or 1 million gold for 1400 plat which is around $60+. More power to em if they can afford to drop over $1000 to buy a pet that gives them 3x speed and ridiculous DPS and Health, but gz for the rest of us... this is just outta reach.
there are occasionally events that yield ~300k a run for 2minutes of effort. this causes inflation and causes everyone to be crazy rich. unfortunately, this also increases the gap between rich and poor.