As I'm sure many noticed multiple players tied for lb rewards (I'm looking at you tanks) now this doesn't particularly bother me tbh, it's always happened and always will so long as STS allow it.

I think in future events the leaderboard rewards should be character bound (unstashable) or completely tradeable. Making them stashable gives lots of incentive for people to run the event on the 'easiest' class knowing they can then show off on their main.

I know a couple tanks who just missed out (mains) and there were at least 6 (that I knew of) that never play tank and only ran tank so they could wear the banner on rog/mage.

As it transpired, warrior class became the 2nd most expensive class to run the event and I believe this is unfair on players that are actually tanks all the time.

What are everyone's thoughts on a character bound lb reward system?

Full disclosure I'm mage, I ran as mage and always will.