First off, much better than I thought it would be, and it was great to play with others.

I just wanted to put together some feedback from my playtime, as it might be helpful to you guys to improve the game.

1) The thumb controller, the virtual stick, it wasn't big enough for me to be honest. I kept pulling the stick too far and losing control, can you have an option to make it a little bigger, with a longer reach, as I get over excited when in combat!

2) Targeting, was very hard in 'run to the x' movement mode. Could we have a tab button to cycle available targets, next to the attack button. It will make target selection a lot easier, and will make combat a bit more deliberate and tactical.

3) Monster variations, I know it's early days, but I felt a bit zombied out!! Could you change up the mob behavior in the early levels to people can see the variation?

4) Interactive items, I saw green swiriling crystals, but felt it a shame you could interact. Also let's put in some hidden passages (not on the map!) for us explorers! And also a few easter eggs when looking at doors, corpses, don't be afraid of making more advanced features a little more challenging.

5) Camps, people tend to go silent/stand still when doing their skills etc. Could we have a camp like feature, where a player puts down a little camp so we can see they are busy when they are not on the main screen. I think it's related to the fact that it does take some time to bring the keyboard and type a message, so any visual clue you could incorporate would be great?

6) Trading loot? I must say when playing in a group, which was great, I felt that we were at the mercy of the random number generator to ensure we each received loot we could actually use. I didn't see a way of trading, so could we have a need/greed interface on items, and a preview, or even a bid system where the richest player gets the item ,the others split the cash?

7) Boss mobs, great, glad they are in. I think their behavior was just to chase after us, is there anything planned to make these encounters a bit more unique, or will I need to level beyond lvl 10 to see this? Apologies, that's all the time I had so far.

8) PVP, heheh would be nice to test skills against other players I'm sure you have this on a white board somewhere however.

9) Z axis on the levels, can you do this, add in things like steps down into dungeons?'

10) The end of each level felt a bit flat to be honest. I was a case of you've killed everything then port to the next level. If we could travel through doors, or have a bit more of a thread between levels, that would be a lot of fun, but I appreciate this might not be the easiest thing to accommodate.

I have some other notes, but I'd just like to take the opportunity to thank you for all your hard work on this guys. Let me know if you need anything specific tested, as I quite enjoy not only playing the games, but getting involved in making sure it's as much fun as it can be!