In pve the skill of a player is measured by their speed. No matter what class u r, commando or operative. When you do a run in sy2 and an operative leads and you are trying your best to keep up, or when there is commando in sy5 who leads and charges ahead right into mobs and doesn't care about how many stims they r gonna use, then you can tell that the player is good.

Me personally, if there is no commando in sy5, i'd rather choose to take damage for the team and spam 200 stims instead of standing there being afraid of getting a death.

I can't give you an example in sl but those who play pl might know birds named Onebadazzbird and Slushie. If you do a run with them you will understand. Back in lvl 55 i used to run with them both a lot. Slush - the most versatile bird you will ever see, he always leads the team and there is no bear that can keep up. In maps that require rounds up and real crowd control skills he does a better job that any bear. Well guess what he has 4k deaths or so. Same with badazz, his skill is in his speed. While you r finishing one mob he is already tanking another. And remember that was lvl 55 where there were no combo elexirs and both of them r pure dex birds with bows.

Anyway yeah. Stats don't really matter unless it's really obvious like has 5k kills 3k deaths.