So I've officially been made redundant as of today, and I'm just unsure where to go from here.

Basically the organisation I worked for was government related, I helped people on benefits back into work (ironic I know). A new government program was launched and with it all offices included (7-9 in the UK). All for the company to make a huge (super) office in head office, meaning anyone involved got made redundant about 16-25 per office.

So after that knockback I'm still a little bent out of shape. I know I can hear you saying "well you helped people to get in to work this should be a cinch" wrong with there being no jobs out there its become harder and harder to keep up with the amount of jobless that come through the door.

I'm wondering is it best to wait for a job I really like and want to do.. Downside, may not find one for a good couple of months!

Or take the other road and get any job that comes my way? Money while waiting for a good job to show up.. Downside some of these jobs can be soul destroying!

This happening to me has made me realise that contracted government jobs are not exactly the most secure atm and that's what I'm looking for. Seems all the knowledge, experience and hard work in that field of work had been for nothing.. Maybe time for a career change in total.

If I was being made redundant on my performance or a few hand picked out of the office id understand but all this for a new office in HQ is ridiculous am i being unreasonable here or what?

Ugg, will be nice to hear a little feedback on this, even if it is a few posts all is welcome negative and positive

Thanks for listening either way